Rohit Sharma Hilariously TROLLS Yuzvendra Chahal Once Again; Calls him a Legend of Instagram

Rohit Sharma does it again. Once again, the Indian vice-captain trolls his former Mumbai Indians teammate Yuzvendra Chahal.

Cricket Dhairya Ingle|
Rohit Sharma Hilariously TROLLS Yuzvendra Chahal Once Again; Calls him a Legend of Instagram
Rohit Sharma, Yuzvendra Chahal & Krunal Pandya (Photo Credits: Twitter)

Rohit Sharma does it again. Once again, the Indian vice-captain trolls his former Mumbai Indians teammate Yuzvendra Chahal. The Indian team ahead of the first T20I, was seen sweating in the nets ahead of the first T20I against Australia in Vishakhapatnam. Obviously Rohit Sharma, Yuzvendra Chahal and the other players were present in the practice. After the team finished the session Krunal Pandya, Yuzi and Rohit were seen chilling. Rohit Sharma Takes a Jibe at Yuzvendra Chahal For Using a Bat Without a Sponsor Ahead of India vs Australia, 1st T20I 2019 (See Pic).

Rohit Sharma once again trolled Yuzvendra Chahal on social media. The Indian vice-captain posted a picture of the three players chilling out after the nets. What interested us was the caption of the snap which read, “When the #GoatOfInstagram makes a joke it’s mandatory for us commoners to laugh.” Check out the post below:


View this post on Instagram


When the #GoatOfInstagram makes a joke it’s mandatory for us commoners to laugh.

A post shared by Rohit Sharma (@rohitsharma45) on

In the nets, MS Dhoni was seen practicing lofty shots in the nets. Check out the video below:

Here are the pictures of the nets.

Talking about the game, all eyes will be set on KL Rahul who makes a comeback in the team after being dropped from 50 overs match against Australia. Also, his form was quite a big headache not only for the team but also for the selectors. In fact, Chief Selector MSK Prasad was quite disappointed with KL Rahul’s form. He was then selected for England Lions team.


Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan, Virat Kohli(c), Lokesh Rahul, Rishabh Pant, Dinesh Karthik, MS Dhoni, Krunal Pandya, Vijay Shankar, Siddarth Kaul, Umesh Yadav, Jasprit Bumrah, Yuzvendra Chahal, Mayank Markande


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 23, 2019 04:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Rohit Sharma Hilariously TROLLS Yuzvendra Chahal Once Again; Calls him a Legend of Instagram
Rohit Sharma, Yuzvendra Chahal & Krunal Pandya (Photo Credits: Twitter)

Rohit Sharma does it again. Once again, the Indian vice-captain trolls his former Mumbai Indians teammate Yuzvendra Chahal. The Indian team ahead of the first T20I, was seen sweating in the nets ahead of the first T20I against Australia in Vishakhapatnam. Obviously Rohit Sharma, Yuzvendra Chahal and the other players were present in the practice. After the team finished the session Krunal Pandya, Yuzi and Rohit were seen chilling. Rohit Sharma Takes a Jibe at Yuzvendra Chahal For Using a Bat Without a Sponsor Ahead of India vs Australia, 1st T20I 2019 (See Pic).

Rohit Sharma once again trolled Yuzvendra Chahal on social media. The Indian vice-captain posted a picture of the three players chilling out after the nets. What interested us was the caption of the snap which read, “When the #GoatOfInstagram makes a joke it’s mandatory for us commoners to laugh.” Check out the post below:


View this post on Instagram


When the #GoatOfInstagram makes a joke it’s mandatory for us commoners to laugh.

A post shared by Rohit Sharma (@rohitsharma45) on

In the nets, MS Dhoni was seen practicing lofty shots in the nets. Check out the video below:

Here are the pictures of the nets.

Talking about the game, all eyes will be set on KL Rahul who makes a comeback in the team after being dropped from 50 overs match against Australia. Also, his form was quite a big headache not only for the team but also for the selectors. In fact, Chief Selector MSK Prasad was quite disappointed with KL Rahul’s form. He was then selected for England Lions team.


Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan, Virat Kohli(c), Lokesh Rahul, Rishabh Pant, Dinesh Karthik, MS Dhoni, Krunal Pandya, Vijay Shankar, Siddarth Kaul, Umesh Yadav, Jasprit Bumrah, Yuzvendra Chahal, Mayank Markande


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 23, 2019 04:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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MS Dhoni to Use Lighter Bat in IPL 2025, Four New Bats Have Arrived for Ex-CSK Captain Ahead of Upcoming Season: Report

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