World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day 2022 Date & Significance: What Is Narcissism? Everything About Narcissistic Personality Disorder Which Is Way More Than Being Just Self-Obsessed on Social Media

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day is celebrated on June 1 every year as it is dedicated to the awareness, support, and change in terms of Narcissistic abuse. Mental abuse is still not considered as a major issue in our society. Especially when it comes to narcissism, our idea is majorly fueled by social media.

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day 2022 (File Image)

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day is celebrated on June 1 every year as it is dedicated to the awareness, support, and change in terms of Narcissistic abuse. Mental abuse is still not considered a major issue in our society. Especially when it comes to narcissism, our idea is majorly fueled by social media. The term narcissism is used very loosely and people often interchange the phrase narcissism with self-centred, self-obsessed & selfish behaviour. If one always talks about themselves or constantly posts pics, they are labelled as narcissists. In fact, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter give people an open space to talk and express themselves, and most people make the most of this opportunity regardless of being labelled a narcissist. Even if you see them as self-obsessed, they are certainly not narcissists, and to be labelled as such is actually a dilution of a very serious personality disorder. What is Gaslighting? Know About This Form of Psychological Abuse and How it Affects an Individual.

What isĀ Narcissism or Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), aka narcissism, is a personality disorder characterized by a sense of grandiosity. Narcissus, after whom the disease is named, he fell in love with his own image. Gradually he lost the will to live because he liked nothing more than to look at himself. Eventually, it dried up and became a skeleton. Obviously, narcissism sees individuals having an extraordinary attachment to themselves, but that is not it. Arrogance and self-indulgence are characteristics of the Narcissist personality, but the mere presence of them does not make a person to be considered a narcissist. If you are dismissing narcissism as just love for yourself, you are ignoring those around you who actually have the symptoms. Narcissists, for their own glorification, can feel extremely insecure. This insecurity fills their mind with weakness about what people might think of them. This is the reason why they socially distance themselves from others.

These people can also swing between aggressive behaviour and deep feelings of shame about themselves. Research on personality and narcissism has found a relationship between fear, anxiety, and NPD (Narcissist Personality Disorder). This means that their self-love and need for attention may actually be their way of avoiding feelings of fear and anxiety.

Narcissists believe that if they become vulnerable and allow themselves to be governed by fear, they may develop suicidal tendencies. If you are wondering if you also fall under this category you must visit a psychologist.

(This article is written for informative purposes only and shouldnā€™t be substituted for professional advice. Laws related to the subject discussed in the article may vary according to region.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 01, 2022 11:15 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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