With obesity and diabetes are taking over the world, soon body fat is going to be the no. 1 killer in the world. A healthy weight loss and a fitter body are what we should be aiming for. Getting on a well-balanced, high-protein, fiber-rich diet is very important for a strategic weight loss that stays. A healthy diet will help you not put on extra weight. While the proteins from your diet help you gain the lean muscle, fiber helps to keep the digestive tracts clean and flushes out the toxins from the body. On the other hand, exercise helps your body burn the accumulated fats in your body.

Therefore, You must understand that it is a holistic approach towards a healthy weight loss that works, there is no shortcut to a healthy, permanent weight loss and no pills or surgery can help you burn fat, so don't fool yourselves with the misleading commercials.

Having said that we all know that the process of weight loss is easier said than done. Eating healthy, for instance, becomes a task. Each time we try to eat healthily we end up succumbing to hunger pangs and bad taste of the diet food. While one way could be that you acquire the taste for healthy food or you can simply add fresh spices to your healthy weight loss diet food to add taste and nutrition to your food with fewer calories.

For hunger pangs, fresh fruit and vegetable juices act as one of the most nutritious, easy to digest fillers in the day. Some of these fruits and vegetable juices are extremely helpful if you want to lose weight. Here are a few juices you must include in your daily diet.

Amla Juice

Start your day with a glass of amla juice and it can help accelerate your metabolism and a faster metabolic rate means that your body will be able to burn fats easily. Amla is rich in a variety of antioxidants and vitamin C, making it one of the most nutritious juices.

Carrot Juice

Extremely low in calories and full of fiber, carrot juice is probably one of the most weight loss friendly juices. It is known to help decrease your appetite and cravings for junk food, in the most healthy way. Also known to increase bile secretion which in turn helps in burning fat makes it a perfect detox juice as well.

Watermelon Juice

Remaining hydrated is one of the most important parts of a healthy weight loss. Watermelon is rich in water and very low in calories plus it is extremely rich in amino acid arginine that is known to help burn fat faster.

Karela/ Bittergourd Juice

Did you know that a 100 gm of karela only serves 17 calories? While it might be a bit bitter to taste but once you acquire its taste, nothing like it. It is also amazing for diabetics and helps the liver to secrete bile acids that can hasten the metabolization of fats.

Lauki/ Bottle gourd juice

According to Ayurveda, Lauki juice is one of the best ways to a flatter belly. It contains almost no calories and helps to keep your body cool too. However, it is extremely dangerous to eat bitter bottle gourd. Recently, A Woman Died After Drinking Bitter Lauki Juice in Pune! Hereā€™s Why Itā€™s Dangerous To Drink Bitter Bottle Gourd Juice.


An amalgamation of a healthy protein rich, high fiber diet, different sets of exercises is your way to slimmer, healthy body. You might also want to add yoga to your routine for a well-balanced weight loss regimen. Read: Yoga Poses That Can Help Burn Belly Fat and Tone Your AbsĀ Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) for Weight Loss, Hair Loss, Diabetes + 3 Other Health Benefits That You Should Know

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 27, 2018 07:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).