Whenever the topic of strength training occurs, we start developing perception like these type of exercises are highly prone to injuries, ideal for professional bodybuilders, etc. Well, let me clear a few misconceptions related to weight training. First of all, we should lift weights as it is quite beneficial and there are no dangers associated with it provided you train with correct technique and under proper guidance. Keep scrolling down below to explore ten benefits of strength training and types of a training program that you can adapt for yourself. Belly Fat Can Shrink Your Brain: Here Are a Few Exercises That Can Help Burn Fat Around Your Tummy.

What is Strength Training?

Strength training which is also a form of anaerobic training uses resistance to oppose the force generated by muscles through a concentric and eccentric contraction. Basic resistant training can be done at home by doing exercises like bodyweight squat and push-ups along with resistance band workout using the resistance-tubing band.

There are three main aspects of weight training- weights, sets and repetitions(reps). Now, the main question that arises is, how to decide on the amount of weight to lift. It is quite simple; one has to determine their weight for exercising from One Repetition Maximum(ORM). ORM is the amount of weight you can lift in just one rep. Now one can do weight training to develop strength; some might do it for endurance while others can do it for power. If you are planning to build strength in your muscle then you should train between 60 to 80 percent of your ORM, for endurance, the percentage should vary between 50-70 percentĀ of ORM with reps performed more slowly and for power reps should be performed quickly and your lifting should range between 40-60 percentĀ of ORM. Now that's how you could decide on how much weight to lift for exercising.

Types of Strength Training

1. Total Body Circuit Training: In this type of training you can work on your entire body by performing it with lighter weights. It is ideal for beginners or people who get less time for workout due to their busy work schedule. This type of training also helps in quick weight loss.

2. Push-Pull Training: One can split their exercise by training push and pull muscles on alternate days. Push muscles include chest, tricep, shoulder and quadriceps whereas the pull muscles consist of back, bicep, hamstring and trapezius muscles. This type of training helps in providing hypertrophy.

3. Compound Training: This type of training includes hardcore exercises like deadlifts, squats, bench press, Overhead Press(OHP) and power clean. It is ideal for developing massive strength and quick fat loss.

4. Isolation Training: This training only focuses on one particular muscle and include exercise like curls, side lateral raises, etc. It is ideal for people aiming to develop a specific muscle like bicep or abs for a special purpose.

Ten Benefits of Strength Training

1. Lower Abdominal fat: When people incorporate strength training along with their aerobic exercises then they tend to increase the right amount of muscular mass in their body which thereby leads to lower the percentage of fat.

2. Boost Metabolism: Weight training helps in increasing the Basic Metabolic Rate(BMR) which in turn can avoid obesity or excessive gaining of fat.

3. Improves Physical Function: People lifting weight avoids ageing problems like the slow movement of the body, tiredness by working, etc. One can enhance their functional abilities and physical performance by strength training.

4. Helps prevent/manage type 2 diabetes: Resistance training can help with the management and prevention of diabetes by decreasing abdominal fat, reducing glycosylated haemoglobin level, increase the density of glucose transporter type 4 and improving insulin sensitivity.

5. Improves blood lipids: According to American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), strength training may increase HDL cholesterol by 8 percentĀ to 21 percent and decrease LDL cholesterol by 13 percent to 23 percent and reduce triglycerides by 11 percent to 18 percent.

6. Helps manage chronic pain: Many adults face major pain in their body which last more than 12 weeks. Strength training can help in reducing these type of chronic pains like lower back pain, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.

7. Improves flexibility and mobility: Performing eccentric exercises like leg curls helps in improving hamstring flexibility twice when compared to static stretching. Even mobility is improved by performing tasks like weighted squat where one has to achieve full range of motion by going deep down with the barbell and then push the body upwards and stand straight.

8. Reduces stress: Strength training helps in releasing endorphin in our body, which is the hormone known for reducing the stress level in our body.

9. Elevated body image: By lifting weights one can find changes in their physical appearance, as weight training toned up our muscles and make our physique look more enhanced.

10. Enhances Mental Health: Resistance training improves our cognitive function, and it also helps in increasing our concentration power.

Strength training has numerous benefits associated with it, and one cannot find any reason to skip it. It will be difficult to perform it initially, but once you get used to it, you will start loving it. However, it is important to note that strength training has to be done under the supervision of a trained, certified fitness trainer to avoid injuries and get a proper result.

(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 22, 2019 07:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).