We wonā€™t mince words when it comes to the benefits of keto diet. It has worked for a lot of people who have struggled to lose weight on a normal weight loss diet. And studies prove that the benefits of keto go beyond just simple weight loss. Itā€™s proven to benefit health problems like acne, type 2 diabetes, epilepsy, cardiovascular problems, Parkinsonā€™s and even cancer.

Most keto proponents would tear into anybody who dare criticise the diet. While it is effective for a lot of reasons, the fact of the matter is that keto is still largely a very impractical diet to follow. Here are some of the reasons why itā€™s OK to give keto diet a miss.

It requires a lot of discipline

All men are not created equally when it comes to discipline. Most of us lack the restraint required to pull off the keto diet and reach a state of ketosis. Unlike the other diet you didnā€™t think twice before abandoning, going on and off the keto diet is impossible. It takes almost two to 10 days of rigorous discipline to get back into the ketosis state. Once you start it, there is no backing out.

It can hinder your social life

A devotion to keto entails withdrawing from your normal social life. You may have to cancel outings, birthday parties and dates because you know you wonā€™t find keto-friendly food there. And you donā€™t want to stick out like a sore thumb at parties, refusing tea, sipping water and checking carb content of the entrees. Pretty soon, youā€™ll need keto support groups to hang out with other people who have wrecked their social life following the ketogenic diet.

It requires a lot of time

When you are on keto, you have to be really hands on with your food. You need to shop, prep and cook your food yourself. Unlike before, you canā€™t trust your maid with the food. So, if you are an office goer living in the metros, prepare a list of late-coming excuses to your boss, because you are going to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Itā€™s expensive

Keto diet is mostly a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet. The best part about carbs (apologies, low carb Nazis) is that it is cheap, proteins arenā€™t. By lowering your dependence of carbs, you are taking away the one thing that was giving you cheap energy. Since you need to eat proteins for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to buy meat in bulk. Even keto-recommended healthy fats like avocados, olive oil and butter can burn a big hole in your wallet.

Vegetarians, look away

Indian diet is rich in plant-based proteins like lentils and legumes. But plant proteins also contain a considerable amount carbs, which can make your diet go awry. That means, vegetarians on a keto diet will have fewer options to choose from and will have to depend heavily on dairy products for fat and proteins.

Itā€™s not without its side effects

Those who think keto is free of side effects, you are mistaken. In the initial days, keto followers go through hell and back, as their bodies adapt to the changes caused by the new diet. Even after you have tided over the initial inconveniences, keto poses long-term problems. Keto lovers plug their ears when you tell them about side effects like kidney stones, nutrient deficiency and cardiomyopathy linked to the diet.

It needs constant monitoring

Keto requires constant monitoring of your ketone levels, otherwise there is no point in going on the diet. You need to get your blood tested and equip yourself with urine ketone strips and blood ketone meters to check for ketones.

It can still cause craving

A lot of unsuspecting people are fooled into the keto diet thinking they can eat all the fried chicken, cream and cheese they want. Well, here's more upsetting news. While that may be true to a large extent, keto is also terribly restrictive. It may help you satiate your fat cravings. But you will have a miserable time keeping desserts and carbs out of your mind.

If you are thinking of going on the ketogenic diet, ensure you have a lot of free time, patience of a saint and the restraint of a ascetic. If you think you can pull it off, more power to you! But for reasons more than one, keto diet is impractical!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 21, 2018 07:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).