Nowruz is celebrated every year on March 21 to celebrate the Iranian New Year. This event is also known as the Persian New Year. This day falls on Spring Equinox marking the first day of Farvardin, the first month of the Iranian solar calendar. The story of King Jamshid is told as part of the Nowruz origin story. Meanwhile, you have arrived at the right page, if you are looking for Nowruz 2021 HD images, wishes, WhatsApp stickers, Facebook greetings, GIF messages and SMS to send to your friends and loved ones.
Nowruz has Iranian and Zoroastrian origins, however, it has been celebrated by diverse communities for over 3,000 years in Western Asia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Black Sea Basin, the Balkans and South Asia. The United Nations officially recognized the "International Day of Nowruz" with the adoption of UN resolution 64/253 in 2010. When spring finally came and the Earth began to blossom after the healing period of winter, King Jamshid, the kindest and most knowledgeable ruler of Persia wanted to mark that as the start of the new year. People celebrate Nowruz by sharing Happy Persian New Year 2021 wishes, Nowruz 2021 messages, Iranian New year WhatsApp Stickers, Navroz greetings, Nowruz 2021 images and Happy Nowruz Facebook status, Happy Nowruz HD wallpapers, Navroze Mubarak pictures with family and family.
The king decided to mark the beginning of Nowruz with a festival called Shab-e-Charshanbeh Souri, which translates as “Scarlet Wednesday.”The Haft-Sin table is the centre of Nowruz decorations, which includes items dedicated to nature. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the celebration of Nowruz will be limited to indoor activities only. Hence, in that case, you might not be able to catch up with your friends or relatives. However, you can send out Iranian New Year 2021 wishes via HD images, quotes, WhatsApp stickers and GIF which is available for free download below.

WhatsApp Message Reads: May You Have the Most Fun and Blessed Nowruz With Your Dear Ones in a Safe Environment This Year. Happy Nowruz to You All.

WhatsApp Message Reads: Nowruz Comes in All Beautiful Colours, and We Hope We Can Use Each of Them To Paint Our Life. Wishing Everyone a Colourful Nowruz.

WhatsApp Message Reads: Nowruz Mubarak to My Dearest Friend. This New Year Will Be Yours To Shine.

WhatsApp Message Reads: The Coming Persian Year Will Be Full of Success for You, Mark My Word. Happy Persian New Year to You and Your Family, Dear Friend.

WhatsApp Message Reads: Wishing Peace and Prosperity on This Nowruz. My Friend Deserves All the Good Things in This New Year.
Happy Nowruz WhatsApp Sticker
Get innovative this Iranian New Year by downloading the latest WhatsApp stickers’ collection from HERE for Persian New Year wishes . We wish you and your family a blessed Nowruz Mubarak!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 20, 2021 08:23 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website