Bohag Bihu is celebrated as the first day of the Assamese New year. This year it began on April 14 and will end on April 16. It is generally observed in the second week of April thus signifying the harvest season. Also known as Rangoli Bihu, it has 7 pinnacle phases. These phases are known by the names Goru, Manuh, Kutm, Mela and Sera. As you celebrate the 7 phases of Bohag Bihu, we at LatestLY, have curated GIF Images and HD wallpapers that you can download and send to one and all as the greetings for Bohag Bihu 2022. Bohag Bihu 2022 Greetings & Rongali Bihu Messages: WhatsApp Stickers, SMS, Images, Wishes and HD Wallpapers To Send to Family and Friends Celebrating Assamese New Year.
Bohag Bihu is an aboriginal origin comprising Tibto Burman, Austro Dravidian, Tai and Alpine elements. This festival unites the different native communities of Assam regardless of their backgrounds and promotes the celebration of ethnic diversity. Here are beautiful GIF Images and HD Wallpapers representing the ethnic diversity of Assam that you can download and send as greetings for the Assamese New Year to all your near and dear ones.

Whatsapp Message Reads: Rongali Bihu is all About New and Fresh, So Let's Banish Our Worries and Mistakes and Start Afresh. Happy Bohag Bihu 2022.

Whatsapp Status Reads: On the Joyful Occasion of Assamese New Year, Here's Sending Across my Sincere Prayers and Greetings. A Very Happy Bohag Bihu to You and Your Loved Ones.

Whatsapp Message Reads: Another Bohag Bihu is Here! Let This New Year Herald New Optimism, Zeal, Good Luck and Cheer.

Whatsapp Message Reads: May the Almighty Shower you with His Choicest Blessings on the Beautiful Day of Bohag Bihu 2022. A Very Happy New Year to You and Your Loved Ones.

Whatsapp Status Reads: The Bihu Has Come, Drums and Pipes are Being Played, New Leaves are Budding in the Trees, it Feels Like Bihu! Happy Bohag Bihu 2022.
Bohag Bihu GIF Image

Bohag Bihu 2022 Wishes: Images, Quotes, Messages and Greetings To Celebrate the Assamese New Year
Bihu refers to three different festivals which coincide with a distinctive phase in the farming calendar. Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu is observed in January, Bohag Bihu or Rangoli Bihu is observed in April and Kaati Bihu or Kongali is observed in October. This month we will be celebrating the Bohag Bihu which is also known as Rangoli Bihu. Here are GIF Images and HD wallpapers that you can download and send to all your family and friends to greet them on the occasion. Wishing everyone Happy Bohag Bihu 2022!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 14, 2022 10:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website