Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023: PM Narendra Modi To Address Rally in Naxalite-Hit Kanker District Today

The prime minister will arrive in an Indian Air Force aircraft at the Raipur airport at 12.55 pm on Thursday and will leave for Kanker in a helicopter. His rally is scheduled to be held at 3 pm in Kanker town, he said.

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Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023: PM Narendra Modi To Address Rally in Naxalite-Hit Kanker District Today
PM Narendra Modi (Photo Credit: ANI)

Raipur, November 2: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a rally in election-bound Chhattisgarh on Thursday, his first public meeting in the Congress-ruled state after the announcement of the poll schedule. The PM's rally will be held in the Naxalite-hit Kanker district that is going to polls in the first phase of two-phased polls in the state, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) functionary said.

The prime minister will arrive in an Indian Air Force aircraft at the Raipur airport at 12.55 pm on Thursday and will leave for Kanker in a helicopter. His rally is scheduled to be held at 3 pm in Kanker town, he said. Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023: PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Yogi Adityanath Among BJP’s Star Campaigners for First Phase of Vidhan Sabha Polls.

Police said a massive security cover has been put in place at the rally venue. A multi-layered security blanket, involving personnel of the state police and paramilitary force besides the Special Protection Group (SPG), has been put in place in the area, located around 150 km from capital Raipur in the north Bastar region.

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma will also be campaigning in Rajnandgaon and Mohla-Manpur-Ambagarh Chowki districts of the state on Thursday. After being in power for 15 years (2003-2018) under the leadership of Raman Singh in Chhattisgarh, the BJP suffered a massive defeat in the 2018 assembly elections at the hands of Congress and now it is looking to come back to power in the state. Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023: PM Narendra Modi Rips Into Congress in State, Says ‘People Have Decided Not To Tolerate Atrocities Perpetrated on Them’.

Polling to the 90-member state assembly will be held in two phases on November 7 and 17. Twenty seats falling in seven districts of Maoist-hit Bastar division and Rajnandgaon, Mohla-Manpur-Ambagarh Chowki, Kabirdham and Khairagarh-Chhuikhadan-Gandai districts will witness voting in the first phase while the remaining 70 in the second one. Votes will be counted on December 3.

Raipur, November 2: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a rally in election-bound Chhattisgarh on Thursday, his first public meeting in the Congress-ruled state after the announcement of the poll schedule. The PM's rally will be held in the Naxalite-hit Kanker district that is going to polls in the first phase of two-phased polls in the state, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) functionary said.

The prime minister will arrive in an Indian Air Force aircraft at the Raipur airport at 12.55 pm on Thursday and will leave for Kanker in a helicopter. His rally is scheduled to be held at 3 pm in Kanker town, he said. Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023: PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Yogi Adityanath Among BJP’s Star Campaigners for First Phase of Vidhan Sabha Polls.

Police said a massive security cover has been put in place at the rally venue. A multi-layered security blanket, involving personnel of the state police and paramilitary force besides the Special Protection Group (SPG), has been put in place in the area, located around 150 km from capital Raipur in the north Bastar region.

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma will also be campaigning in Rajnandgaon and Mohla-Manpur-Ambagarh Chowki districts of the state on Thursday. After being in power for 15 years (2003-2018) under the leadership of Raman Singh in Chhattisgarh, the BJP suffered a massive defeat in the 2018 assembly elections at the hands of Congress and now it is looking to come back to power in the state. Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023: PM Narendra Modi Rips Into Congress in State, Says ‘People Have Decided Not To Tolerate Atrocities Perpetrated on Them’.

Polling to the 90-member state assembly will be held in two phases on November 7 and 17. Twenty seats falling in seven districts of Maoist-hit Bastar division and Rajnandgaon, Mohla-Manpur-Ambagarh Chowki, Kabirdham and Khairagarh-Chhuikhadan-Gandai districts will witness voting in the first phase while the remaining 70 in the second one. Votes will be counted on December 3.

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PM Narendra Modi Says ‘Today, the World Trusts India’s Governance Which Is Constantly Reforming’

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