Arjun Patiala Song Sachiya Mohabbatan Video: Diljit Dosanjh and Kriti Sanon's Adorable Chemistry Is Refreshing in This Soothing Romantic Track

Diljit Dosanjh, Kriti Sanon and Varun Sharma will be next seen in a spoof-comedy film, Arjun Patiala. The new song released by the makers is a romantic one sung by Sachet Tandon. Their chemistry looks refreshing and cute. The film will hit the screens on July 26 this year.

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Arjun Patiala Song Sachiya Mohabbatan Video: Diljit Dosanjh and Kriti Sanon's Adorable Chemistry Is Refreshing in This Soothing Romantic Track
Diljit Dosanjh and Kriti Sanon in Arjun Patiala song Sachiya Mohabbatan (Photo Credits: YouTube)

Kriti Sanon and Diljit Dosanjh are here with a new song named, "Sachiya Mohabbatan" is here. The romantic song from their upcoming film Arjun Patiala is all things mushy. They are seen romancing each other in this soothing track from the Rohit Jugraj film that is supposedly a spoof comedy. The pairing is fresh and hence their budding romance captured here looks wonderful and refreshing. Arjun Patiala Song Crazy Habibi VS Decent Munda: Sunny Leone-Diljit Dosanjh Burn the Dance Floor in This Out-and-Out Club Number! Watch Video.

Kriti's traditional look in the film might remind some of them of her girl-next-to-door look from Luka Chuppi. She looks pretty in vibrant outfits. The visuals look beautiful with the duo's adorable expressions and scenic locations. Speaking of the music, the song is composed by music composer duo, Sachin-Jigar. It is written by Priya Saraiya and crooned by Sachet Tandon. Check out the song below.

The first promos of the film were quirky and funny as they mock the typical Bollywood scenes often showed by the makers. It also stars Fukrey fame Varun Sharma in the lead and the trio is truly hilarious when they share the screen space.

Sachiya Mohabbatan Song:

Diljit has enormous fan-following and his comic timing is appreciated. Yet this is for the first time that he will get into the spoof-comedy zone. He earlier said in an interview, "I've never done a comedy in this space. I thought I should give it a try. All it takes is two minutes for me to say yes or no to a script. I had to do this one the moment I heard it." Well, we do wait for the film to release on 26 July 2019. Till then, tell us your thoughts on the song in the comments section below.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 11, 2019 11:46 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Arjun Patiala Song Sachiya Mohabbatan Video: Diljit Dosanjh and Kriti Sanon's Adorable Chemistry Is Refreshing in This Soothing Romantic Track
Diljit Dosanjh and Kriti Sanon in Arjun Patiala song Sachiya Mohabbatan (Photo Credits: YouTube)

Kriti Sanon and Diljit Dosanjh are here with a new song named, "Sachiya Mohabbatan" is here. The romantic song from their upcoming film Arjun Patiala is all things mushy. They are seen romancing each other in this soothing track from the Rohit Jugraj film that is supposedly a spoof comedy. The pairing is fresh and hence their budding romance captured here looks wonderful and refreshing. Arjun Patiala Song Crazy Habibi VS Decent Munda: Sunny Leone-Diljit Dosanjh Burn the Dance Floor in This Out-and-Out Club Number! Watch Video.

Kriti's traditional look in the film might remind some of them of her girl-next-to-door look from Luka Chuppi. She looks pretty in vibrant outfits. The visuals look beautiful with the duo's adorable expressions and scenic locations. Speaking of the music, the song is composed by music composer duo, Sachin-Jigar. It is written by Priya Saraiya and crooned by Sachet Tandon. Check out the song below.

The first promos of the film were quirky and funny as they mock the typical Bollywood scenes often showed by the makers. It also stars Fukrey fame Varun Sharma in the lead and the trio is truly hilarious when they share the screen space.

Sachiya Mohabbatan Song:

Diljit has enormous fan-following and his comic timing is appreciated. Yet this is for the first time that he will get into the spoof-comedy zone. He earlier said in an interview, "I've never done a comedy in this space. I thought I should give it a try. All it takes is two minutes for me to say yes or no to a script. I had to do this one the moment I heard it." Well, we do wait for the film to release on 26 July 2019. Till then, tell us your thoughts on the song in the comments section below.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 11, 2019 11:46 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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